Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 1 = Steep learning curve!

Well, I have officially survived my first week as a US med student. Phew. It was pretty rough, actually. I've felt really overwhelmed. Everything is different. The chart system, the way you write your notes, the way you present, the way the team works, the responsibilities of the med students, what you are expected and not expected to do, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention I couldn't even find the bathrooms my first day, let alone where my patient's room is.

I'm upset because I don't feel like I've been making as good an impression as I want/need to. I've studied up on a lot of things I've forgotten (like mechanisms for drugs, stuff like that). But, of course, I haven't gotten pimped on those things, just other things that I didn't know. I prep my presentations, but then when I start talking in front of all the residents, fellow, and attending, I freeze up and make stupid mistakes. Even though I'm reading from a freaking paper!!

I'm hoping next week will be better.

And now, I leave you with some memorable patient quotes:

African lady with a thick African/French accent: "How ya doin', sugar?"

Confused lady: (pointing at me) "She's the minister."

Nice man: "You're a good listener. I mean, keep honing your skills, of course. But you already are a good listener."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

First impressions of Minnesota

I've been in MN for about 48 hours, and here are my first impressions:

1. The people are so incredibly nice, friendly, and helpful. Puts us East coast-ers to shame. Not to mention the Swedes!

2. It's windy, and the wind is cooooold.

3. There is nothing to do in downtown Minneapolis. But there is a Target.

4. SUPER TARGET!!!! Even better than regular Target.

5. Apparently parking garages are called parking ramps. Who knew?

6. The Twin Cities are much more ethnically diverse than I expected.

7. People talk like the mom on Bobby's World.

8. Tons of buildings, streets, etc have Scandinavian names.

9. The U of Minnesota mascot is the gopher. Seems kind of lame, I mean, are gophers aggressive? Maybe they are like the gophers in Caddyshack.

10. All the buildings at the University, and all the buildings in downtown, are connected so you can walk anywhere you need to without going outside.