Thursday, January 28, 2016

25 weeks

25 weeks:

How far along? 25w1d (cauliflower)
Weight gain? About 12 lbs. I am hesitant to keep posting this, because it's difficult to see the numbers on the scale climbing constantly. But, I am so proud of my body for making it this far, and I know you're supposed to gain weight in pregnancy. So I'm trying to just embrace it.
Maternity Clothes? Yep, even for lounging/sleeping now. I bought some cheap Target maternity camisoles for wearing around the house and to bed. Much better.
Who have you told? I just sent out a bunch of emails to friends. Trying not to hyperventilate. It's still scary. But now that I'm obviously showing and it's not a secret, it feels weird that random people know, but not my friends. So we're fixing that.
Are you showing yet? Yep!
Any movement? More frequent and stronger every week. A few nights ago, he had a crazy dance party for like 1 1/2 hours that kept me up, it was awesome and so weird!!
Symptoms: Nothing new.
Best moment this week: The aforementioned dance party, even though it deprived me of sleep :)
Major milestones: No official milestones, but 25w feels like a milestone.
Major purchases this week: Uhhhh yeah, we need to get on that. We have at least begun discussing the subject of a registry. So there's that.  
Looking forward to next week: Nothing special. Hoping for a boring pregnancy week.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

24 weeks

24 weeks:

How far along? 24w1d (canteloupe)
Weight gain? About 12ish lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yep. Now my regular PJ tops don't fit either. And I've been using DH's shirts but they are going to get too short/not cover my whole belly soon. Time for some more shopping!
Who have you told? We've told a few more friends.
Are you showing yet? Yes. Strangers are asking me about it. Which is weird, but also makes it feel more real.
Any movement? Yes, all the time. Still just unbelievable. Loving every second, even when it keeps me up at night.
Symptoms: Same as the last week or so. I guess the only new thing is that I'm starting to feel like my belly is big/getting in the way of things. 
Best moment this week: V day today!
Major milestones: See above - V day!!!!
Major purchases this week: Still nada.  
Looking forward to next week: Non baby related, I have a whole entire weekend off. Very exciting. Baby related, we have an ultrasound and appointment on Friday. Just a growth scan, which I'll be getting every 4 weeks because of my Crohn's.

Work-wise, my ED rotation is amazing, and I'm loving every seconds. On Sunday I had 2 appys (appendicitis), which was fun to work up. I have also reduced 2 nursemaid's elbows, which is probably the easiest/most rewarding thing on the face of the planet. A kid comes in with a subluxated elbow, you twist their arm a little bit, feel it click back in, and BAM they're all better. Fixed, done, buh-bye, I just cured your kid. Feels pretty badass and the parents are all impressed. I also had one attending who, after asking me what I wanted to go into, said she was really impressed with me, and emailed the fellowship director saying I was "excellent." I met with him yesterday, and it went really well! <3 <3 ED!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

23 weeks

23 weeks:

How far along? 23w1d (grapefruit)
Weight gain? About 10lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes, exclusively. Except for when I'm wearing scrubs!
Who have you told? No one new. Maybe it's time to do that...??
Are you showing yet? Yup! Rockin' the bump. Without being obnoxious of course.
Any movement? All the time! Mr. E feels him often from the outside now. Last night he put his head on my belly when the baby was kicking and he kicked him in the head!
Symptoms: Nothing new. RLP, back pain, reflux, ute hardening. Oh also my boobs are getting more sore. 
Best moment this week: Mr. E getting kicked in the face :-)
Major milestones: 23 weeks today, which is when they resuscitate at the hospital I'll be at!
Major purchases this week: Nothing..... 
Looking forward to next week: Making it to 24 weeks which is the "official" V day even though there are lots of babies born earlier than that who survive.

Today, I'm starting my ED rotation! I'm so, so excited! I was scheduled for it in May, but....yeah. I was able to switch it to this month so I could still do it this year. Hopefully it will help me decided if I do, in fact, want to do an ED fellowship. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

22 weeks

22 weeks:

How far along? 22w1d (papaya)
Weight gain? About 10lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes, exclusively now. 
Who have you told? No one new, but the news is slowly trickling out to my extended family.
Are you showing yet? Yessss and my bump is pretty damn cute if I may say so myself. Obviously I don't touch it in public, I know how that makes other people feel.
Any movement? All the time. <3 <3
Symptoms: Same old same old, and now the reflux seems to be coming back. I have bad back pain too (chronic back issues that are exacerbated now). But it's all good.
Best moment this week: Mr. E being able to feel some giant kicks.
Major milestones: Fetal echo that looked a-okay :)
Major purchases this week: Nothing. Pretty sure I'm going to be that person at the hospital who doesn't have a car seat or a place for the baby to sleep because I'm too afraid to buy anything.
Looking forward to next week: Hitting 23 weeks/when they resuscitate at the hospital where I'll be delivering.

It's been a really busy few weeks at work. I just got off an 8 day stretch where I worked 113 hours, and I'm about to start 5 nights in a row. I feel like I am barely surviving.