Monday, April 22, 2013


Patience is not something I have a lot of, but is unfortunately something you need a lot of throughout the miscarriage/TTCAL process.

I was supposed to get a follow-up appointment with my doctor 4 weeks post-loss. Apparently somewhere along the way, this fell between the cracks and I didn't get an appointment. So I have to wait another few months until I can see my doctor. But I talked to her on the phone today because I wanted to plan for my operative hysteroscopy. First she was like oh yes, I'll start that process right away. But then she was like, actually, to be completely honest with you, you should go to this other hospital and see if this other doctor will do it. He's the best in Stockholm. I'm obviously grateful for her humility and her recommendation, but couldn't she have mentioned this A MONTH ago?!

Of course when I called, the office had already closed. But I'm going to call again in the morning. I hope I can get in to see this man, this King of Hysteroscopies, soon. This waiting is torture. If we didn't have to do all this testing, we could start TTC again after my first post-loss AF, which hopefully will be arriving some time soon. But instead, we have to wait. And wait. And wait. And wait some more. I'm not good at waiting.

I'm so ready to get this party started!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you still have to wait so long before moving forward. It's frustrating and I totally get your impatience. Unfortunately, I have experience with long term TTA and it sucks. If you ever want to talk about it or have any questions or complaints or whatever, you know how to contact me.
