What's going on in my life right now:
1. I am leaving for the US in 16 days!
2. I graduate in 96 days!! Oh.my.gosh.
3. I think I am 2DPO in our first TTC cycle since our most recent loss. I am obsessing like a newbie, even though I know the chances are low that I would get pregnant this cycle. It's impossible not to hope!
4. I went to the doctor about my hip and she said it was overuse. That's good, but she said a lot of things that made me pretty sure she has no idea what she's talking about. I didn't really trust her. *sigh* She ordered an x-ray, but being the crazy TTCAL-er I am, I obviously cannot get a hip x-ray done during my 2WW! Even Mr. E said that he understood and that he didn't think I was crazy for waiting.
5. I have been gradually, sloooowly, increasing my running again, making sure not to run 2 days in a row to reduce the risk of irritating my hip. I ran 4 miles today and so far, no pain. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Last week it hurt the day after 4, but 3 was ok. I am bummed that I had to skip my 10K today, though.
6. I am drowning in schoolwork. It's ridiculous. The amount of papers, presentations, group projects, and tests is astounding. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done before I leave, but I guess I will just have to find a way!
7. I have my plane tickets booked, found an apartment, and made my holiday plans. But I still don't know what rotations I'll be doing, because they don't know yet. How is that possible? I don't know.
8. Re: #4, I should confess I lied to FF (Fertility Friend). I told it I had a + OPK but that's not really true, it was just reeeeeally close. However, it followed my typical pattern and I've had a temp spike so as long as my temp stays up I'm leaving it as +. Crazy, I know.
9. It is really cold in Sweden right now. Around freezing at night. And the heat's not on yet. Brrrrr.
10. I learned in school that Sweden has a much higher than average level of background radiation, due to the ground being made of granite as opposed to limestone, as it is in most of the world. I told Mr. E this and that we should add it to the list of things that make me wonder why I live here (see #9 for another item on the list).
...And with that, I'm back to work on the endless assignments!
1. I am leaving for the US in 16 days!
2. I graduate in 96 days!! Oh.my.gosh.
3. I think I am 2DPO in our first TTC cycle since our most recent loss. I am obsessing like a newbie, even though I know the chances are low that I would get pregnant this cycle. It's impossible not to hope!
4. I went to the doctor about my hip and she said it was overuse. That's good, but she said a lot of things that made me pretty sure she has no idea what she's talking about. I didn't really trust her. *sigh* She ordered an x-ray, but being the crazy TTCAL-er I am, I obviously cannot get a hip x-ray done during my 2WW! Even Mr. E said that he understood and that he didn't think I was crazy for waiting.
5. I have been gradually, sloooowly, increasing my running again, making sure not to run 2 days in a row to reduce the risk of irritating my hip. I ran 4 miles today and so far, no pain. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Last week it hurt the day after 4, but 3 was ok. I am bummed that I had to skip my 10K today, though.
6. I am drowning in schoolwork. It's ridiculous. The amount of papers, presentations, group projects, and tests is astounding. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done before I leave, but I guess I will just have to find a way!
7. I have my plane tickets booked, found an apartment, and made my holiday plans. But I still don't know what rotations I'll be doing, because they don't know yet. How is that possible? I don't know.
8. Re: #4, I should confess I lied to FF (Fertility Friend). I told it I had a + OPK but that's not really true, it was just reeeeeally close. However, it followed my typical pattern and I've had a temp spike so as long as my temp stays up I'm leaving it as +. Crazy, I know.
9. It is really cold in Sweden right now. Around freezing at night. And the heat's not on yet. Brrrrr.
10. I learned in school that Sweden has a much higher than average level of background radiation, due to the ground being made of granite as opposed to limestone, as it is in most of the world. I told Mr. E this and that we should add it to the list of things that make me wonder why I live here (see #9 for another item on the list).
...And with that, I'm back to work on the endless assignments!
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