Sunday, November 22, 2015

15 weeks

Yeah....I've been busy with work. I work all the time. It's tough, but it's good. So without further ado, here's week 15 (I missed 13 and 14).

15 weeks:
How far along? 15w4d (navel orange)
Weight gain? I think I'm up about 3 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Just bought my first pair of pants, and a skirt, yesterday! I've been using my belly band but it's getting to the point where it's just not that comfortable anymore, and it makes my pant button stick out so I can only wear it with really baggy shirts, of which I do not have very many!
Who have you told? Our immediate family, the key people who need to know at work. That's it. Or, it was it, until my classmate flat out asked me the other day and I didn't deny it. I found that pretty rude but people don't realize they do rude/hurtful things, ya know?
Are you showing yet? When I tried on maternity clothes yesterday, then I definitely felt like I looked pregnant! I'd say not yet but soon.
Any movement? You know, I have felt a few things that could have been movement vs gas, but definitely made me stop and think, since it didn't feel like typical gas. My baby is measuring like a week ahead and I'm pretty in tune with my body after 4 YEARS of tracking ovulation, so....maybe?
Symptoms: Belly is growing. Boobs still hurt. Still congested. The nausea seems to be gone but I am starving sometimes. Otherwise I feel pretty good. 
Best moment this week: Finding out we are TEAM BLUE!!!! That was awesome, and that was the first time Mr. E was able to see the baby. Unfortunately at that ultrasound, they saw an intracardiac echogenic focus, which is usually nothing, but is a soft marker for Trisomy 21. Since my NT scan and numbers looked so good, and there are no other markers, they are not very worried, but we did get the cell free DNA test for more reassurance. We'll get those results next week.
Major milestones: TEAM BLUE! Also I have been bad about doing these so stopping progesterone at 13+6 was pretty big.
Major purchases this week: Maternity clothes: a pair of pants and a skirt.
Looking forward to next week: No appointments or big plans. Hoping for good results from the DNA testing. Also, wearing my comfy new clothes that don't press on my uterus!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Catching up...

OK. I've always wanted to do the weekly blog thing if I ever got pregnant for more than a few weeks, but when that happened, I chickened out. I did write them but didn't post them. Now that I'm inching towards second tri (whaaaaat?!), it's time. Here goes.

10 weeks:
How far along? 10w1d (prune)
Weight gain? Hard to say since my weight usually fluctuates, and I haven't been able to weigh myself on an empty stomach (see below) like I usually do. Probably stable or up 1 lb.
Maternity Clothes? Haha no, but I did use my belly band for the first time today. Some of my clothes don't fit, or if they do fit, they are uncomfortable on my stomach.
Who have you told? My family knows, as do my program director and my advisor at work.
Are you showing yet? Definitely not showing, but my belly is bigger and I can't suck it all in anymore. I'm sure it's not noticeable to anyone else, probably not even Mr. E, but I can tell, and some of my clothes are tight in the waist.
Any movement? Not yet, way too early for that, but I can't wait!
Symptoms: The nausea is not 100% gone but it is MUCH better. From like 5-8 weeks I felt nauseous basically 24/7. My boobs hurt, but those have been sore since I started progesterone at 2dpo. They are also growing, which is not something my already-32GG-self needs! My swollen belly. And hunger. OMG the hunger. I wake up in the middle of the night RAVENOUS. I cannot get back to sleep without eating. It's crazy! I'm emotional too, but that's also been the case since I started the progesterone. Oh and fatigue.
Best moment this week: This has been an amazing week. Best moment was seeing the baby punch and kick on the ultrasound. The day before that, when I was freaking out, when the midwife found the heartbeat with the doppler, that was up there too.
Major milestones: Double digits!! And my friend sent me her Doppler and I found the heartbeat with that!
Major purchases this week: Belly band. I also ordered a bigger bra because there's only like 1-2 of mine I can fit into right now, despite just having bought 2 new ones.
Looking forward to next week: No big plans for next week. Looking forward to staying pregnant, and checking in with baby by using the Doppler.

11 weeks:
How far along? 11w1d (lime)
Weight gain? I think I'm up about 1 lb.
Maternity Clothes? Nope. But not all my clothes fit/are comfortable, and I have a belly band. I've only used it once so far though.
Who have you told? My family knows, as do my program director and my advisor at work.
Are you showing yet? No but my belly is a little thicker.
Any movement? Nope.
Symptoms: Intermittent nausea, overall it's better but it's not gone. Waking up in the middle of the night starving. Congestion. Fatigue. Huge, sore boobs. Dizziness when I stand up quickly.
Best moment this week: Nothing in particular happened this week, but I've checked on the baby ever night with the Doppler which is amazing and a godsend for my anxiety.
Major milestones: No special milestones this week, but in 2 days I'll have <200 days to go. So that's pretty cool.
Major purchases this week: I haven't bought anything this week.
Looking forward to next week: NT scan on Tuesday. Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!

12 weeks:
How far along? 12w4d (plum - although I actually know the baby was 6.5 cm, aka measuring a week ahead, at 11+6)
Weight gain? Probably up 2 lbs-ish.
Maternity Clothes? No, but a lot of my clothes are uncomfortable. I have a belly band but it's hard to wear my many pagers on it, so I'm trying to stick to clothes that still fit. And I am so happy the days I can wear scrubs.
Who have you told? New for this week: Mr. E told his family this weekend. I just sent an email to officially tell the people who need to know for scheduling at work. Had a major breakdown while sending that.
Are you showing yet? No, just feeling fat! Not sure if I look fat to other people, maybe a little.
Any movement? Nope.
Symptoms: Unchanged from last week: Intermittent nausea, overall it's better but it's not gone. Waking up in the middle of the night starving. Congestion. Fatigue. Huge, sore boobs. Dizziness when I stand up quickly. The only addition is weird pangs in my lower abdomen, no idea what that is. Doesn't seem to match with the descriptions I've seen of round ligament pain.
Best moment this week: NT SCAN WENT WELL! I can't believe it. And the baby was flopping around in there. <3 <3
Major milestones: ^^ see above! Another great moment was when I heard the baby move on the Doppler for the first time! Sounded like someone tapping a microphone. Since then I've heard it a few more times, along with some swishing noises. So cool.
Major purchases this week: I haven't bought anything this week.
Looking forward to next week: I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, but I'm not really sure what's going to happen at that. Looking forward to my husband finally moving over here later this week, after living apart for several months! He has missed the worst of my m/s, haha.