Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Cycle 8 started this morning, after a long LP that really messed with my emotions. Since I got pregnant with the baby we lost on cycle 4, I didn't think it would take that much longer the second time around. A lot of people have been trying for much longer than me, but it still feels like forever. It's been 16 months since we started TTC. I spent 5 of those pregnant, and then miscarrying, and then TTA. The rest of the time has been spent actively trying.

Each month, I get my hopes up, and each month, they get shattered. I've had an HSG due to the fact that my pregnancy was in a really unusual spot, but other than that we haven't had any testing done. The HSG showed that my uterus has a slightly convex fundus, but they said it shouldn't be a problem. All of my cycles except for one have been regular, and I seem to be ovulating every cycle. I'm temping, using OPKs, and timing things perfectly. Which means there's nothing else I can possibly do except keep trying, and keep waiting, and keep hoping.

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