Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Well, regardless of whether or not this is our take-home baby, I am certainly starting to experience changes in my body.

I'm exhausted all the time. Yesterday I could hardly keep my eyes open in clinic while talking to a patient! It's definitely a problem.

I've been getting waves of queasiness at odd times. It usually passes pretty quickly, but it can be difficult to finish meals.

My otherwise enormous sweet tooth has eased up into what I can only assume is a normal person's desire for sweets. Last weekend, I didn't finish my dessert because I just didn't want any more. I don't think that's ever happened to me before.

My hair is so gross. My normally oily hair is even more greasy than usual, and I've noticed some dandruff flakes! I've never had that before either. Ewwwwwww!

My normally enormous boobs are even more enormous, and very sore. My bras don't fit. I'm obviously not going to buy new bras until I know if this pregnancy may work out.

I'm feeling crampy on and off. Not painful cramps, just like dull period cramps. I've had this since I got my +HPT. This and the sore/big boobs are the only 2 symptoms I had last pregnancy, so it is reassuring to have more symptoms.

I am not complaining, I mean if this means we get our baby, I will be thrilled to have to go through all of these things. It's just difficult right now because it's a daily (hourly!) reminder of what may not last.

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